The Concrete Precasters Association of Ontario represents manufacturers of concrete septic tanks in Ontario. Our members make over 95% of the concrete septic tanks sold in the province. The association provides real value to its members in the following ways:
Representation with government and regulators. Members of the CPA sit on committees of the MMAH, the OBC Materials Evaluation Committee, the OBC Appeals Board, the CSA-B66 (septic tanks) committee and OCPA. Representatives from the MOEE and MMAH sit on our Product Registration Program Approvals Committee.
We are regularly called upon for input on changes to the building code (with regards to septic tanks) and to sit on committees involved with amendments or improvements to the code. Our members are kept abreast of upcoming changes within our industry.
Access to CPA training and production schools - offered a very modest cost.
Significant reduction in participation costs involved with CPA Product Registration Program.
Access to similar businesses production facilities through our annual plant tour.
Free online presence through the CPA website.
The Annual Meeting. Held in the last week of November, with locations moving across the province every year, the annual meeting offers the single greatest value to members. Besides the official business and guest speakers, the meeting offers a rare opportunity to socialize and "talk shop" with other precasters. People with same problems, worries and concerns as you. Learn a little, teach a little. Bragg about your successes, bitch about your failures. There's always lots to talk about. Even competitors loosen up on neutral ground. The plant tour allows you to see different production practices and share your own with fellow businessmen (and women). Oiled forms in front of you and dirt in the treads of your shoes.
Supplier members set up booths and display their wares at our annual meeting. A chance to see new products hands-on and talk to your local rep. It also provides the opportunity to discuss products with other precasters who actually use them in their own shops. You can't get that kind of first-hand feedback anywhere else.
As an association representing most of the concrete septic tank manufacturers in the province, our annual meeting provides a rare opportunity to see all the clients in this market at the same time. Unlike the usual office calls, when they're up to their ears in business, the relaxed atmosphere of the conference allows you to spend time with your customers, building a social relationship and explaining your product. There is also a good chance that existing customers who are pleased with your service will easily extol it's virtues to potential clients. A true testimonial is priceless.
Membership is good for business. Showing customers that you support their industry demonstrates an interest in their success. Manufacturers are not unaware of the commitment by suppliers to support our association. When choosing a product or service members feel an obligation to consider other members first. The rest is up to you.